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Quality eonar-eu

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Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED

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1Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:26 pm



Character Details


Armory Profile:?http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Eonar&cn=Tylee

Playtime and Raiding

Daily Playtime?

Availability Info:

How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?
I belive it was Back in the start of 2005, so 5 years + at this current stage.

What's your raiding experience pre-TBC?
Played a Gnome (Female) warrior (server EU - Darksorrow): All none raid instances. UBRS,ZG,MC,BWL,AQ20,AQ40 and the content version Naxx. World Bosses: Teremus the Devourer, Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, Emeriss, Taerar, Lethon, Ysondre, Onyxia, The Twillight Corrputer, Eranikus - Tyrant of the Dream, Maws and finally Docter Weavil. Last was a pain in the ass with a 4 min + mind control with no official cooldown rotation.

What's your raiding experience TBC?
Played Undead Mage name Arta (Server EU - Deathwing). All none raid instances. Karazhan, Zuláman (timed) Gruuls Lair, Magtheridon, Serpentshrine Cavern, The Eye, Battle For Mount Hyjal, Black Temple and full clear of The Sunwell Plateau "Kil´Jaden after first nerf". World Bosses: Doom Lord Kazzark, Omen and Doomwalker.

What's your raiding experience WOTLK?
All none raid instances.Obsidian Sanctum 10+3D 25+3D. Vault of Archavon 10 + 25, all 4 bosses ofc. The Eye of Eternity only 10+25 Ulduar 10 (all hardmodes + 25 (still need a few hardmodes, but Algalon has withdrawn. New Onyxia 10+25. Totc 10 Full Heroic + Insanity tribute +25man up till anub hardmode. ICC 10+25 uptill LK normal in both instances.

Can you provide us a recent WWS report?
not Recent

Your favorite boss encounter?
Either Kil'Jaden or Illidan, as both boss encounters took forever, and required every single raidmember to be well prepared and focused. And the exitement of expecting Legendary Loot Smile

Your favorite WoW related website and/or forums?

Any level 80 alts?
LvL 2 Gnome Rogue to keep my good relation with the ally side of Eonar (name Joira)

Class Details

Why did you pick your class?
Because I was maintanking in vanilla, started out as mage during TBC launch, and the got a terrible addiction to the class funktion as dps (former cc)

What do you consider to be your role in high end PvE raiding?
Vending Machine


What guilds have you been in since you began, what did you like/dislike about them, and why did you leave?
I have been in several. But can only remember those that have changed my journey in this game extraordinary.

Vanilla: Flying Circus EU-Darksorrow Alliance.
Flying Circus. Was my first high content raiding guild. We got server first on everything during vanilla, and even got one of the first Thunderfury's on EU scale. Was a very proffesional and dedicated guild, which gave me the best experience I have ever had in an online game. Unfortunatly we fell appart, when TBC came out. After some time we tried to reunite the old team with a very dissapointing degree of failure. The Guild still exsist today, but has a minimum of activity.

The Burning Crusade: Momentum EU-Deathwing Horde. I decided to join thedarkside, after a short break from the game, and the dissappointment of Flying Circus Final. I joined a PuG group for Magtheridon, when a person suddently almost demanded me to join a guild called Momentum. When I first joined the guild was progressing in Mount Hyjal, and it didn't take long before I became a part of the fine raiding team.. Yet again I was in a elite raiding guild, and we got some nice serverfirst kills all the way till SWP was lanched. We had a great deal of problems getting past the extremly difficult encounters, but in the end hard work always pays of. and Kil'Jaden went down for good. Then came the guild merge. Which lead to my own and several other guidlies exit from the guild, and eventually the guild died out.

Wrath Of The Lich King: The Noob Bus EU-Eonar Horde. Once Again I took a break from the game.. but to satisfy my addiction to WoW. I once again startet all over. I created Tylee, and became good friends with a bunch of guys who had their own litlle guild, The Noobs Bus. They were (and still are) extremly talented individual players. They were only raiding 10 man, which was an exiting new performance trial of me. We blasted our way through Ulduar, but then one of the officers and I could net agree over certain points, and I decided my exit would be the best for both parts.

25 man raiding was next on my schedule, so I made an application and got accepted in the guild Cthulhu. Another super dedicated guild, that were starting on their Ulduar 25 harmodes. It took me some time to become a full time raidmember, but I succeded. Unfortnalty the guild broke appart, mainly because the guildleader was unable to deal with the confrontations the members of the guild blew towards eachother. So in the end he decided not to leave the guild, but to disband the shit, making the rest of us swimming around in no mans land.

Some IRL friends of mine joined our server, and we made a merge with the guild Hellscream. Another small not so active raiding guild. Another problem came up, and the IRL took almost of my time (the job). The Officers of Hellscream claimed I was unwilling to help them progress and that I refused to raid with them.. I did my best to explain the situation, but in the end I decided to leave because I was getting fustrated with the ignorrance they showed toward me. They lost their best dps, and I lost a part among all my IRL friends

Quality: I joined in here, making progress in TOTC, it was a good guild lead by a constructive and visioned guildleader. As ICC launched we started during some fast progress, however things started to change at this point. I noticed people complaning about god knows what subject, which at some point almost lead to the guilds destruction as the GM had enough of it. However he decided to keep on going, not like the former Cthulhu GM, who just fucked all who cared about the guild.
I was getting bored of WoW and needed a break, so I started to play less, meaning the officers of the guild, complained about my inactivity, which is only natural. I was assure that returning to raiding was my best option, but I had a feeling that I didn't really knew anyone in the guild, despite all my time there. I only ever spoke with 2 people on ventrilo. I decided to leave it all behind, hopeing that I would stop playing for good.
I got overwhelmed by my addiction ofc, and as I stand outside the party, I actually miss people inside.. Uub, Joksa, Corr, Astari, Disco and even Cagael lol.
So I am replying as a trialist, hopeing you could use my aid again. If not I will prolly lay down the game for good, as I dont wish to migrate away.

What can you offer Quality?
Nothing you havn't got allready

What do you expect from us?
A home

Do you know anyone from Quality?
I don't actually know anyone (like knowing irl). But I do have plenty of relations in the guild.. there is some new faces I see around though.

Applying for other guilds while filling in this apply?
I was going to apply to Cthulhu, but I remembered the way it ended last time + there is 2 certain people who has a grudge against me, so any idea of applying would be worthless effort.

Real life details



Occupation:Uni Student

Your english skills, spoken and written?
Spoken - perfect, written (Im dyslexic in my own language, so I have to memories every word I see, makeing it difficult at times), but I try my best.

Are you able to use a microphone during raids?

Describe your personality?
Short tempered

Any additional information you want to share with us?
I don't really like hairy nipples meh

Have you read the guild rules?

2Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:52 pm



Oh hi there Wink

3Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:32 pm


I don't i understand why u left and now you want to come back :s

4Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:42 pm


Guild Master

Tylee wrote:Quality: I joined in here, making progress in TOTC, it was a good guild lead by a constructive and visioned guildleader. As ICC launched we started during some fast progress, however things started to change at this point. I noticed people complaning about god knows what subject, which at some point almost lead to the guilds destruction as the GM had enough of it. However he decided to keep on going, not like the former Cthulhu GM, who just fucked all who cared about the guild.

A very worthy example of decent sucking up ^^ No mention about a certain officer who spent many hours and a fair share of energy pulling things together and easing the load the GM had, but maybe you can rectify that. Glad you noticed complaining isn't the way to go though *thumbs up*.

Regarding your skill, it was missed and it is my opinion that you would be a good asset. However it is, ofc, up to the GM.

Also, Cagael has no friends, don't lie!

5Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:56 pm



No mention about a certain officer who spent many hours and a fair share of energy pulling things together and easing the load the GM had

Filtro did all that? oO


6Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:58 pm


Guild Master

Sudowudoo wrote:Filtro did all that? oO

I meant you Sudo <3

7Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:17 pm



Good luck on apply Tylee Smile

PS: Gief more guild movies! Very Happy

8Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:23 pm


I got overwhelmed by my addiction ofc, and as I stand outside the party, I actually miss people inside.. Uub, Joksa, Corr, Astari, Disco and even Cagael lol.

you didn't miss me?

GL with the app

9Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:01 am



Grimmknight wrote:I don't i understand why u left and now you want to come back :s

As I said in the application (which you could read lol Wink) I had made my mind to quit the game for good, but my addiction was hungering for more. And since this has been my guild for the last very long time, and I don't wish to migrate away, its kinda the only place to apply for.

However, if anyone does not wish to see me in the guild, you may instantly reject the application. I am not asking for a second chance as an old member. Im asking for a fresh start. In my eyes there is not such things as second chances, which is why I choose to apply this way, instead of asking Estera to just reinvite me in.

"But hey Tylee just wanna get back in to do hardmodes and get easy loot, because Quality is a lot better than when he left"
sure if you say so scratch

And yes Janti.. I am missing you aswell Smile

@ Tomek, who knows, maybe there will be more.

10Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Empty Re: Tylee - Mage - ACCEPTED Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:58 pm



Contact me ingame for further discussion Tylee.

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